I’ve gotten away from blogging. Not sure when it happened or why, but as 2020 entered and changed life as we know it…my way of sharing images also took a major hit. Covid has been, for lack of a better word, all consuming. Gone are the days when six hours were stretched out in front of me to edit and share, edit and share, and repeat. In the wake of my workflow, there has been a serious case of simply trying to keep four heads above water. But all that is about to change! A switch went off in my head after being lucky enough to experience Casey & Jimmy’s wedding day. There was so much inspiration from both creative and emotional perspectives. Casey put all the details together in mere weeks after having to change plans due to the pandemic. In my heart of hearts, I know how hard this all was for Casey and Jimmy. After years of watching friends get married, and finally being able to plan a big blow out wedding down the Cape, it was finally their turn. Elation turned to disappointment real fast and it would’ve been really easy turn towards the negative. But Jimmy and Casey were simply meant to be married, no matter what. Casey was able to turn this around into one of the most stunningly beautiful days I’ve ever had the opportunity to witness. Family (including some of my own!!) and close friends finally gathered to celebrate Casey & Jimmy…and so many little meaningful moments are the result. I am honored to share these images and will always look back on this day and smile. Casey & Jimmy…congratulations! I know good things are ahead for both of you and I can’t wait to watch your story continue to unfold!!