Megan and my sister, Melissa have been friends since the first grade. As far back as I can remember, Megan has pretty much been a part of my life. I see her at the beach with my family, at the breakfast table playing pretend waitress (handing out DIY menu’s made in marker), and watching Mary Poppins and/or Hocus Pocus for the 100th time on our couch. Later on in life, Megan and Melissa went to the same college and once again we made memories to share. As the years went by, I always wanted the same thing for both my sisters…happiness. Well Megan has found that and more in her fiancé Mike. From the first meeting, I knew he was “the one”…they complement each other perfectly and have an effortless kind of love. They make the same kind of jokes and laugh together without skipping a beat. It goes without saying that these seaport engagement pictures are special, and I am thrilled to be able to share them as Megan and Mike plan for their big day!