:: October 2014 Archive ::

Reading Family Session!

Parents Sara and Chris hit the nail on the head when they described their little guy as having “joie de vivre.” My new friend was so cheerful for the entire hour we were together. Running, jumping, falling down and saying “boom”, you name it, he was happily playing along. Sara and Chris obviously get a big kick out of their awesome son and it is easy to see why. Thank you for allowing me to capture the spirit of P…what a joy he is to be around!

26 Days: Hingham Newborn Session!

There really aren’t words to express how much I love this next session. You might remember Jay and Jess from their maternity session on Duxbury Bay this summer. Well since then, they have welcomed the most beautiful baby girl into the world. And they are smitten. Completely over the moon in love with their sweet baby. You can see it in every whisper, every quiet movement, each look at one another. These pictures make me smile ear to ear every time I look at them. What an experience it is to see good friends become great parents:)

Happy Fall Family Session!

One thought that really never ceases to amaze me is that people choose me as a photographer. They choose me to document very special, very fleeting moments in time. Whether it be a newborn who has just entered the world, a couple on the verge of their next chapter in life, or like my next family…a mom and dad who simply want to hold on to what life was like in the pre-kindergarten years. I feel honored time and time again, and this was no exception. What I love about this session is the simplicity. Both children were able to act how they always do, swinging on the swings and running around the park. They also happened to have several casual requests for big smiles here and there, but it was all fun for them! The connection this family has with one another (between parents and children, brother and sister, and husband and wife) was really something to see, and is obvious in every image. So excited to finally share this post!

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Ipswich Family Session!

There is nothing more special than sisters. At least that’s what I thought before meeting Caitlin and Leslie and their beautiful families back in September. Now I know that sisters who both bring a baby girl into the world ten days apart is about as outstanding as it gets. Caitlin contacted me a few months back, explaining how they have tried and failed to capture milestones with both girls smiling at the camera, despite their best efforts. Enter a magical night at the Crane Estate and we were able to end the streak! It was such a joy to spend time wandering the grounds with Miss P and Miss M (and their moms/dads of course!). Someday they will understand how lucky they are to have each other. Thank you for allowing me to witness this amazing bond, it’s a session I will never forget!
